More People Are Using Solar Panels to Help Power Their Home

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Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as a way to power homes. By harnessing the power of the sun, homeowners can significantly reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources and lower their electricity bills. In addition, they are doing their part for the environment by not having to rely as much on coal, gas or nuclear power stations to provide them with the electricity they need. Getting solar panels for your home is one way to really make a difference for your home from the many benefits and a feeling that you’re making a little bit of a difference. In this article, we'll take a closer look at home solar panel placement, installation, financial benefits, tax credits, and popular providers.

Home Solar Panel Placement

Before installing solar panels, it's important to consider the placement of your home. Ideally, your roof should receive direct sunlight for most of the day. This means that trees or other obstructions should not block the sunlight from reaching the panels. The angle of the panels also plays a role in their efficiency. In the northern hemisphere, panels facing south are the most efficient. Panels facing east or west will still generate electricity but at a slightly lower rate.

Solar Panel Installation

Once you have determined the placement of your solar panels, it's time to install them. It's recommended that you hire a professional solar panel installer to ensure that the panels are installed safely and correctly. The installation process typically involves attaching the panels to your roof, installing an inverter to convert the energy generated by the panels into usable electricity, and connecting the system to your home's electrical system.

Financial Benefits

Installing solar panels can result in significant financial benefits. By generating your own electricity, you can lower your monthly electricity bills. Additionally, if your panels generate more electricity than your home uses, you can sell the excess energy back to the grid. This can result in credits on your electricity bill or even a check from your utility company.

Solar Panel Tax Credits

The federal government offers tax credits for homeowners who install solar panels. These tax credits can offset a significant portion of the cost of installation. Additionally, many states offer their own tax incentives and rebates for solar panel installations. Research should be done to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your credits. Since they are so dependent on your location, it’s important to do research. You can also talk to an accountant, as they are likely to have up to date information on tax credits in your area. 

Solar Panel Providers

There are many providers of solar panels and solar panel installation services. Some of the most popular providers include Sunrun, Vivint Solar, Tesla Solar, and SunPower. It's important to do your research before selecting a provider to ensure that you choose one with a good reputation and that offers high-quality panels and installation services. It should be noted that solar panel providers are still fairly regional. There aren’t huge multi-national solar panel providing companies like there are in so many other fields. 


Adding solar panels to your home is certainly a wonderful method to save some pennies from your electricity bill while also making sure you're helping to reduce a carbon footprint. By considering the placement of your home, hiring a professional installer, and taking advantage of tax credits and incentives, you can enjoy the financial benefits of solar energy for years to come. With many reputable providers available, it's easier than ever to make the switch to solar power.